South Carolina workers are at risk for injury
Many workers in South Carolina are likely to suffer workplace injuries in 2019 and beyond just like others across the country. Many injuries necessitate taking time off work to recover. On-the-job injuries often involve machinery, motor vehicles, heavy objects or other basic work items.
Your employer no doubt purchases workers’ compensation insurance. This program allows you to claim benefits if you suffer injury on the job. Such benefits can cover the cost of your medical expenses associated with your on-the-job injury and can also replace lost wages and help you make ends meet at home during recovery. The workers’ comp system can be quite complicated to navigate, however. Sometimes, your claim may face rejection but that shouldn’t stop you from appealing the decision.
Employer obligation
You are obligated to report your workplace injury to your employer, especially if you hope to collect benefits during recovery. However, your employer’s obligation to protect you begins long before your accident takes place. He or she (or they) are responsible for providing proper training and all available equipment to help you stay safe at work.
Injuries that often lead to benefits claims
Some of the most common workplace injuries in South Carolina and other states occur because of lack of eye protection. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration often cites eye safety violations after investigating workplace accidents. Machine guarding is crucial to worker safety, as well. If a machine you are using does not have the proper guards, you may be at great risk for serious injury.
Depending on the type of work you do, you may also be at risk for inflammation, swelling, along with muscle or joint pain or discomfort that may signal a repetitive stress injury. This type of injury doesn’t always present immediate symptoms; instead, it develops over time after performing the same body motion over and over again or holding the same body posture for extended periods of time.
Ladders can be hazardous
Most ladder manufacturers include labels that provide basic safety instructions on their products. Your employer likely has ladder safety policies in place as well. If you did not receive training as to how to properly climb a ladder, as well as other safety instructions, such as never standing on the top rung, you may wind up with a serious concussion, broken bones or a spinal cord injury if you fall.
In the aftermath of a workplace injury
If you suffer an injury at work, you may need support from loved ones or friends at home during recovery, especially if your injuries were moderate to severe. Some workers are never able to return to their duties due to partial or full disability. Regardless whether or not you’re able to go back to work, you might still suffer financial distress related to your injury, perhaps from medical expenses, lost income or other issues.
This is the main purpose of workers’ compensation benefits, to help meet your needs while you work toward as full a recovery as you’re able to achieve. If you run into snags while filing a claim, you can seek support from a workers’ compensation attorney.
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