What is the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids?
There is a constant push for society to help fight the drug problem before it even begins by making sure kids understand the dangers of drugs and alcohol. No matter where you live in South Carolina or any other state, you have access to the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids. This organization is quite influential in helping in the fight against drugs.
The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids has a simple goal to stop kids from using drugs. It also helps parents who may struggle with a child who is using drugs through providing support and assistance. It offers support services to help keep kids off drugs. The organization is actually merging with the Center on Addiction to grow and help even more people, and it has extensive reach through collaborations within education and the government.
The organization has been around since the mid-1980s. At that time, the main focus was on stopping kids from using drugs. It ran inventive and memorable public service announcements to provide a stark reality of why drugs are bad. One of the most famous was the “this is your brain on drugs” campaign where the brain was compared to an egg and a brain on drugs was a egg being fried.
One of the reasons why the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids has become so effective and maintained a prominent spot in the fight against drugs is that it constantly evolves to service the current needs and changes in feelings towards drugs. This enables the organization to stay relevant and reach today’s kids in a way they will connect with. This information is for education. It is not legal advice.
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